7 February 2012

Sandra Backlund at The Museum

The art of folding and creating sculptural designs is somehting swedish fashion designer Sandra Backlund shares with Joan Sallas. Their work will be featured at The Hallwyl Museum in Stockholm very soon.

Sandra Backlund says that all her shapes come from thinking of the process as a collage. She knits her shapes as she goes, without a pattern or a plan. All of Backlund‘s designs have a clear sculptural quality and one can feel both her technique and imagination in all her work. There is a deep respect for the handicraft process.

"I always start with an idea. Then I begin to experiment with different handicraft techniques and materials. I improvise a lot and allow myself to lose control to see what happens.”

1 comment:

  1. such a great post
    amazing art-knits
    your blog looks so good to me, very interesting posts...
    I am following u, with my heart! :-)
    xxx Ros.e.


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